What Is Ntr?

I'm glad that are you interested in this project.

NTR is the short for 'No Tech Riddles'.

The purpose of this website is give a unique approach to common tech problems (issues and doubts). But first let me explain how I got here.

The way to present information

I also lookup for information on the internet. And the thing I usually see is very technical explanation.

While they are certainly useful, they are not the best for the average non-techie user.

When I shared these kind of articles I usually got responses like:

  • I couldn't find the information I was looking for.
  • I didn't understand.

Yet, the solution was right there. The user was just not qualified to follow the chain of ideas.

My point is, the way to present information is as important as its accuracy. And the final judge for its usefulness is the user.

I understand that there are people that will prefer kind of content. Especially:

  • People that are already familiar with the technical jargons.
  • People that want to prefer longer content forms.
  • People that want to learn more in depth knowledge.

By all means, these people will better off with that kind of content.

But I built this website for the few people who are not yet fully integrated into the technology world. Casual users or people looking for quick and hassle-free answers.

So, if you enjoy it, please google me (Which is the equivalent to a 'thumbs up' in a Youtube video). Link below:


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